How to Get a Ghost in Fisch – Gamezebo Gamers Arena - Gamer Arena

How to Get a Ghost in Fisch – Gamezebo Gamers Arena

Want to know how to get a ghost in Fisch? You may have seen them around, but what do they do? I assure you, they do more than just look cool!

Unlock the ghost in Fisch on Roblox! As mentioned in this guide, you need to unlock the Fisch Rod of the Depths, which you can access with a Depths Key. Both of these guides should provide you with more detail on how to unlock the correct location.

How to Get a Ghost in Fisch

If you’ve watched YouTube videos showcasing Fisch gameplay, or you’ve come across random players whilst playing, you may have seen a mysterious ghost. This ghost is identical to the player it floats behind, and if you don’t know what it is beforehand, it catches you off guard! The ghost itself is actually part of a passive ability, but for which rod?

What Does the Ghost Passive Ability Do?

The passive ability spawns a ghost that floats behind your shoulder at all times. This ghost perfectly resembles your Roblox avatar but is mostly transparent. For every 3 fishes you catch, the ghost catches an extra one!

This is useful for players who are trying to level up as quickly as possible, as the additional fish grants more EXP. Plus, it increases the amount of fish you catch overall, which means you can earn even more money.

The Rod of the Depths

Yep, you need the Rod of the Depths to unlock the ghost ability! To get this fishing rod, you must have access to The Depths location. Unlocking this area is no easy feat, as you need to complete your Vertigo Bestiary page and have a Depths Key.

Catching everything in Vertigo is already a tricky task, but the Depths Key is of the Exotic rarity, making it extremely rare when fishing. Once you meet both requirements, you can unlock the door in Vertigo to access The Depths.

Keep in mind though, that there’s an obby to complete straight after. You also need a Hexed Enchant Relic and an Abyssal Enchant Relic to progress further, unlocking a pathway to a maze under the water. Complete this maze to find land, allowing you to catch your breath. This is where you find the Rod of the Depths, which you can purchase for 750K coins.